Five Steps to Creating a New Test

From the Main Menu, select Test Administration:

  1.  Click the Create a New Test button and follow the Help button instructions.

    1. Enter a Title and Test ID. Everything else you can skip at this time. Click the Advanced button.

    2. Scroll down the page to Background Options and click the "B" button. A screen with backgrounds will appear. Click on one of the links such as ABCs.

    3. Scroll down to Header Options and click the "C" button. A screen will appear with headers. Click the Flash Quiz link.

    4. Scroll down to Test Results Pages and click the Setup button. Click the "A" button and select an animation you like when students pass the test. Then click the "C" button and select an animation you like when students do not pass the test. Click Save to finalize setup of your new test.

    5. You probably noticed there are many options in setting up a new test that we skipped. You can try them later when you create your second test or when you return to edit this test.

  2. You should now be on the Question List page.  To add a test question, first select a Question Type by clicking the down arrow on the right. Then while holding down the browser button, move the cursor to the question type desired, and then let it up to select that option.

    1. After selecting the question type, then click on it.  A page appears where you can enter the question. Do this for each question in the test.

    2. Once you have created several questions, you will notice that you can edit the Category name and Weight you assigned each question from the Question List page. If you make any changes here, click the Save Changes button. If want to delete any questions, check the box to the left and click the Delete Questions button.

    3. To edit the way you setup the test, select Edit Test Setup from the drop-down menu on the top right of the Question List page and click on it.

    4. To create a new test using the same setup as this test, select the Create Test from Template option from the drop-down menu and click on it.

  3. To take the test after entering all your questions, scroll down to the bottom of the Question List page and you will see the following:

    1. Click Take Test. A Log-In page will appear that asks for a password. Any unique number, word, or combination of both will work. If the program cannot find this password in the RoboTutor database, it will next ask for your name. Be sure and click the box below that says: Check here to enter a NEW NAME. Next you will be asked to confirm your password. Then the test will begin.

    2. If you click Tryout Test you can avoid the hassle of entering a name and password. And if you use this option, no records are kept. It is simply for trying the test.

    3. If you click Test Menu you will get a menu of all the tests in this Test Area. Click on one of them, log-in, and take the test.

    4. You can save the URL from your browser address bar and use it in other web pages for your students to link to the test.

  4. Your test will appear in a new window. Take the test and view your score at the end. Close the window and you will be back at the Question List page.

    1. To make changes to any of the questions, click on the question number.

    2. To edit the test setup, select Edit Test Setup from the drop-down menu on the top right of the Question List page and click on it.

    3. To check your personal record, click the Take Test link again, log-in using the same password as last time, and then click the View My Records button.

  5. To make a link so your students can use RoboTutor, return to Step III and click the Custom Links Wizard button on the bottom. This feature will help you create the specific hyperlink you need.

    1. When the Custom Links Wizard opens, go with the defaults and click Submit at the bottom. This will create a link directly to a test log-in page.
    2. The next screen provides you with three ways of linking to a test.
      1. Copy Take Quiz and paste it into any Word, PowerPoint, or webpage document.
      2. Copy the URL (both lines) and create a link on another website or your personal computer.
      3. Click the Add to Custom Training Menu button. When you return to the Question List page, click the Training Menu link at the bottom. Then click the Tests menu option to open the test. Now your students can go to the RoboTutor site to take their tests. You don't need to create links from other sites.
    3. To edit the Custom Training Menu, return to the Question List page and click the Edit Training Menu button at the bottom. Here you can edit, add or delete new options. Click Help for details how to do it.
    4. To create a special log-in for your students to take tests, go to System Administration, click Edit/Delete User Access.
      • See what word has been entered in the Student Password field.
      • Have your students use YOUR Log-In User Name and the Student Password. This will give them restricted access to only the Training Menu.