Tracking Administration


Tacking Administration Overview

This option let organize tests and competency skills into larger units called Components and Programs.

  • Create and manage Tracking Components and Programs
    • A Tracking Program is the grouping of 2 or more tests and skills into a training module. For example, learning to drive a car or truck may be setup as a Program in which passing several online tests and demonstration of actual skills are required.
  • Enter Core Competency Skills
    • When Skills are setup in Programs, each skill is assigned a specific Test Area where competency skill levels for students can be entered. Only personnel who know the password to that Test Area can enter scores for students on those related skills. .
  • Program Tracking Reports
    • This option analyzes the tracking data in the following reports:
      • Tracking Program Charts: This option lets the user select a Component, a Program under that Component, and one or more students who are in programs.
      • Skills Tracking: This option lets the user select All or Selected Students, one or more Test Areas where skill scores can be entered, and whether to organize the report by Skill or Test Area.

Component Setup

This is the top level for organizing Components and Programs.

  • A Component is the organization of two or more Tracking Programs into a common area. For example, a Component may be a school in a district, a plant at a company, or a division in a corporation.
    • To Add a new Component, enter the Name in the field provided, set the order in which you want it to appear in the new list, and click Add.
    • To Edit an existing Component, change the name or order, then click Update.
    • To Add / Edit Programs within a Component, click the Setup button after adding it.
    • To list all Components currently setup in the application, click the Show All button at the bottom of the page.
  • A Component cannot be seen by Test Areas below the Test Area in which it is created. However, all Test Areas in a direct line above an existing Component can see it and all the Programs and Skills it contains.
  • Components cannot be seen by students, but students can see the associated Programs and Competency Skills within the Component if they have taken any of the tests or possess any of the skills in those programs.

Component Program Setup

This is the second level for organizing Components and Programs.

  • A Program is the organization of subject area tests and related competency skills into a common area. For example, a program may be a Algebra in a school or a Haul Truck Driver in mining operation.
    • To Add a new Program, enter the Name in the field provided, set the order in which you want it to appear in the new list, and click Add.
    • To Edit an existing Program, change the name or order, then click Update.
    • To Add / Edit Tests and Skills within a Program, click the Setup button after adding it.
    • To list all Programs and their associated Components currently setup in the application, click the Show All button at the bottom of the page.
  • A Program cannot be seen by Test Areas below the Test Area in which it is created. However, all Test Areas in a direct line above an existing Program can see it and all the Subject Area Tests and Competency Skills it contains.
  • Programs can be seen by students when they access their personal records. A button will appear in the menu that lets the student view how he or she is doing in any or all programs for which a score is available on an associated test or skill.

Component Programs

This is the third level where the Subject Area Tests and Competency Skills are added to a Program.

  • All Programs are organized into two sections, Final Evaluations and Training Evaluations, and may optionally contain Training Levels and Competency Skills.
    • Final Evaluations are optional and may consist of any one or combination of the Final Oral Evaluation, the Final Written Evaluation, and the Final Applied Evaluation.
      • The Oral and Applied Evaluations are based on Competency Skills which must first be setup by clicking the Setup Skills button at the bottom of the screen before they will appear in the drop-down menu.
      • The Written Examination is a test setup in the RoboTutor application and must be setup in advance before it will appear in the drop-down menu.
      • After selecting the desired options, click the Update button at the bottom of the page.
      • To remove a Final Evaluation, erase the Description and reset Options to nothing.
    • Training Evaluations are Subject Area Tests and Competency Skills which must be already setup in RoboTutor before they will appear in the drop-down menus. They may be organized into Levels reflecting difficulty, mastery compensation, etc., but the Levels must also be setup in advance by clicking the Setup Levels at the bottom of the page.
      • To Add a new Training Evaluation, enter a description in the Description field, then select a test (top drop-down with yellow background) or a skill (second drop-down with a blue background).
        • If Levels are setup and used one or more times, you must enter a Level.
      • To Edit a Training Evaluation, change the Description and Priority, then click the Update button at the bottom of the screen. Note
      • To delete Training Evaluations, check the boxes to the left and click the Delete button at the bottom of the page.

Program Training Levels

Training Evaluations may be organized into Training Levels reflecting difficulty, mastery compensation, etc., but the Training Levels must also be setup in advance before they appear in the drop-down menus.

  • To Add a new Training Level, enter a description in the Name field and click the Add button.
  • To Edit an existing Training Level, change the description in the Name field and click the Update button at the bottom of the page.
  • To delete an existing Training Level, chick the radio button to the left and click the Delete button at the bottom of the page.
  • To show all Skills currently setup in the application along with their associated Program and Component names, click the ShowAll button at the bottom of the page.

Program Competency Skills

Programs may contain Core Competency Skills reflecting knowledge and ability that cannot be easily or successfully evaluated using traditional pen and pencil or online testing formats. Skills are evaluated on the job by performing the required task or by interpersonal interviews with subject matter experts.

  • To Add a new Skill, enter a description in the Name field and click the Add button.
  • To Edit an existing Skill, change the description in the Name field and click the Update button at the bottom of the page.
  • To delete an existing Skill, chick the radio button to the left and click the Delete button at the bottom of the page.
  • To show all Skills currently setup in the application along with their associated Program and Component names, click the ShowAll button at the bottom of the page.

Setup Program Skills

Programs may contain Core Competency Skills reflecting knowledge and ability that cannot be easily or successfully evaluated using traditional pen and pencil or online testing formats. Skills are evaluated on the job by performing the required task or by interpersonal interviews with subject matter experts.

  • Enter a score for any of the skills display in the field provided. The range of scores is from 0 to 100.
  • Enter the Expiration Date in the field provided using this format: mm/dd/yyyy. You can also click on the calendar icon and select a date.
    • When a program Expires, the student is flagged as no longer meeting the requirements for that Program.
    • The expiration date may be left blank to indicate there is no expiration date for that skill.

Program Tracking Reports

This option analyzes the tracking data in the following reports:

  • Tracking Program Report: This option lets the user select a Component, a Program under that Component, and one or more students who are in programs.
    • It then lists the students in the Program and shows where they stand on each of the requirements.
    • At the bottom it shows the Combined Overall Average score.
  • Tracking Skills Report: This option lets the user select All or Selected Students, one or more Test Areas where skill scores can be entered, and whether to organize the report by Skill or Test Area.
    • It then lists the Skills and associated Programs for which people who have access to that Test Area can enter scores.
    • The Test Area options are every Test Area at or below the current Test Area where the user is logged-in.
    • There is also an option to organize the display of the report by Test Area or Skill.

Tracking Program Report

This report lets you select Students, a date range, and a specific Program with a Component. It then displays a summary report that shows where all selected employees stand on each of the items with the selected program.

  • Choose All or Selected Employees.
  • The Start and End Dates are optional, but if selected, evaluate data only within those ranges.
  • To select a Component, click the down-arrow and click on the option desired. After selecting it, the Programs associated with that Component will display in a drop-down box below it.
  • Click Submit to generate the report with a Combined Overall Average at the bottom.

Tracking Skills Report

This report lets you select All or Selected Employees, All or Selected Test Areas (authorized personnel) and whether to organize the report by Test Area or Skill. Optionally.

  • You can optionally choose to list students that meet the selected criteria and show their scores,  the minimum requirements, and the expiration dates for the skills.
    • If selected, scores that fail to meet minimum requirements or that have expired, are display in light red fields.
    • The Start Date and End Date are optional and pertain only to the dates when student skill evaluations were entered.
  • The option to select All Test Areas is only active when "List students and expiration dates" is unchecked. This is because the list may be too long to display in most browsers if checked.
    • In the report and under each Skill are listed the names of Programs that have that Skill listed as a requirement.
  • Click Submit to generate the report.