Test Administration

Question List Page

10 Question Types Create New Questions Edit Test Questions
Linking Students to Tests Customizing Student Links Custom Links Wizard
Setup Training Menu Restricted Access to Surveys Import Custom Training Menus

Import Training Materials

The Venture Game Academic Olympics Game

Select a Test Option

Edit Test Setup Create Test from Template Show Test Mockup
Copy Test Questions Print Test with Answer Key Import Test Questions
Show Questions/Answers Display Test Setup Delete Test Records
Copy Test to Lower Levels    

Test Administration Menu

  • List/Edit Tests: Select this option if you want to edit or display tests you have already created in this Test Area.

  • Create a New Test: Select this option is you want to create a new test in this Test Area.

  • Setup Training Menu: This option lets you create a custom Training Menu with both test and/or training material links.

  • Import Tests: This option lets you import one or more tests from the Test Bank or a RoboTutor Access test database.

  • Export Tests: This option lets you export one or more of your tests from the SQL database to a RoboTutor Access test database.

Test List Page

List/Edit Tests

The Test List page displays all the tests the User Log-In is allowed to view. This includes all the tests of users below the current level.

  • Create New: Click this button to create a new blank test.
    • If you want a test to be setup similar to an existing test, select the test and then use the "Create Test from Template" option from the drop-down menu on the Question List page.
  • Import: Click this button to import or link to tests from the Test Bank.
  • Export: Click this button to Export tests to a RoboTutor9 Access database.
  • Training: Click this button to  access the Setup Training Menu page.
  • Switch: Click this button to return back to a higher level from which you switched.
  • Navigate: Click this button to switch to a lower level while retaining your current access rights.
  • Test Titles are displayed by default in alphabetical order.
    • To display the tests by any other order listed, click the buttons on the top of the fields.
    • To edit or add questions to a test, click on it's name.
      • Here you can also print tests, get links for students, delete tests, and many other options.
    • If a name is in italics, it is a test that, although listed in Tests Table, is owned by another Test Area administrator and cannot be edited here. You can, however, create links for your students to take the test and read the results in Records & Reports.
      • Click on the name. You will be cautioned that it is a test with restricted access rights.
      • A limited Question List page appears that shows the questions, but you cannot add, edit, or delete any test questions.
      • To make a link to it for your students, use the Custom Links Wizard as you would any other test in your Test Area.
      • To delete the test from your Test Area, click the Remove Test from this Test Area button.
  • Test Area: This is where the original of the test is located.
    • If the Test Area if hyperlinked, click to switch to that area while retaining your access rights.
  • Test ID: This is the identification code setup in Edit Test Setup for this test. It is used whenever anyone wants to link to the test.
  • Description: This can be any short information about the test such as the course number to which it is associated, the date when it was originally created or any other relevant information. It is setup in Edit Test Setup. The name of this field can be customized in Default_Settings.asp, located in the RoboTutor 10 folder.
  • Version / Session: This can be the version number of the test or a session number for the year or any other short designation.
  • Changed: This is the date of the most recent change to the test. It is automatically updated when a change is made to the test.

Create New Tests

Click this option to Create a new Test.

  • Test Setup: You start the process by going to the Test Setup page and entering the test title, test ID, author, number of questions to display, and other information.
    • Categories are setup on this page only after you have added questions to the test.
  • Advanced Features: Optionally click Advanced Features to setup to setup how you want the test displayed.
    • If you don't click Advanced Features, the default is to display all test questions at one time or in sets of 30 if the test is larger than 30.
  • Results Pages: Click Results Page Setup to select which of the 3 Results Pages you want the students to see after completing the test. The default is the page with scores.

Import Tests

This option lets you import one or more tests from the Test Bank or a RoboTutor Access test database.
  • The Test Bank is a list of all tests in the SQL database that users are willing to share with others.
    • When you create a test, you have the option to share it with others by selecting in Advanced Features to include it in the Test Bank.
    • When you import a test from the Test Bank, you have three options:
      • You can ACCESS a test by importing ONLY the Test Title and ID.
        • You cannot edit it or change anything. But it will be accessible from your Test Area and included in all your Records and Reports.
      • You can MOVE a complete test from another Test Area into your Test Area, along with all the records of students who have taken the test in the other area.
        • You need the User Name and Password to the other Test Area to make the move.
        • The Test will no long appear in the other area.
      • You can COPY the complete test, assign it a New Name & Test ID, then edit it for your students.
    • First select the test from the Test Bank List.
    • Second select whether to import only the name or the entire test.
      • If you select the entire test, fill in the header fields
      • Click Submit and the test will appear in your test list page.
        • If you select to import only the test name, it will be in bold and when you click on it, you will only have the option of deleting it. You cannot edit it.
  • Copy a test from a RoboTutor 9 Access Database into RoboTutor 10 SQL database:
    • The database must be located in the RTDB9/TESTS folder or in another folder designated by the System Administrator.
    • You must know the name and password for the database you want to import from.
    • You have the option to import as many tests as you want from that database.
    • The program is backward compatible with all previous versions of RoboTutor.
  • Import Tests from the Test Generator application,  RoboTutor can be customized to import tests from any number of other applications. In this version, it imports multiple choice type questions from Test Generator.

Export Tests

This option makes it possible export tests to RoboTutor Version9 Access databases, RoboTutor10 SQL databases, and to a SCORM compliant XML files.

Export to Version 9 Microsoft Access Database:

  • The Access database must be located in the RTDB9/TESTS folder or in a folder specified by your System Administrator.
  • The RTDB9 folder must have permissions set to READ, WRITE and DELETE.
  • You must know the name and password for the database.
    • You have the option to export as many tests as you want to that database.
  • Enter the Database Name and Password, then click the Go button to the left.
  • Exported RoboTutor9 database files can also be imported into any RoboTutor10 application.

Export to Version 10 or 12 Microsoft SQL database:

  • The "Export To" SQL database must be a location accessible from the "Export From" database.
  • Enter the address to the server. For example: RTSIOLTPDT\Dev
  • Enter the name of the RoboTutor SQL database. For example: RoboTutor7a
  • Enter the User ID. For example: robotutorappuser.
  • Enter the Password to the database. For example, robotutorpass.
  • Enter the name of the Test Area. For example: Administrator.
  • Click the Go button to the left.

Export to a SCORM compliant XML file:

  • Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) is a collection of standards and specifications for web-based e-learning.
    • It defines communications between client side content and a host system called the run-time environment (commonly a function of a learning management system). SCORM also defines how content may be packaged into a transferable ZIP file.
    • SCORM is a specification of the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative, which comes out of the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
    • SCORM 2004 introduces a complex idea called sequencing, which is a set of rules that specify the order in which a learner may experience content objects. The standard uses XML, and it is based on the results of work done by AICC (CBT), IMS Global Learning Consortium, IEEE, and Ariadne
  • Tests exported using this feature can be uploaded into any other SCORM compliant application.
  • To use this option, click the Go button to the left of the SCORM description.
    • A screen will open that displays all the tests in this Test Area and below.
    • Click the radio button to the left of the test you want converted to an XML file.
    • A new window will open and display the SCORM compliant XML code for your test.
      • Note, only question types 1 through 5 are converted.
    • Click the Copy to Clipboard button.
    • Open Notepad and PASTE it (Ctrl V).
    • Save the file under the name that best describes it: Quiz.xml
    • Close the window and select another test or exit back to the menu.

Navigate to Other Test Areas

This option lets you quickly view and switch to any Primary or Associate User BELOW yourself.

  • To view the System Navigation chart, click the Navigate button on the top right side of the menu.
    • Columns indicate your level in the system beginning with Level 1 on the left.
    • Only your level and the level below yourself (if any) are initially shown.
    • Levels above yourself or not in your path are not displayed.
  • To Switch to any Test Area shown, simply click the name of the Test Area.
    • To Switch back to your Test Area, click the Switch button at the top of the Test List page.
  • To expand down to the next level, click the down arrow.
    • To move back up, click the Back button at the bottom of the screen.
  • To see all levels below yourself, check the ShowAll box.
    • Uncheck the box to show only your level and the one below yourself.
  • To display Associate Users, check the +Associates box.
  • If you are an Administrator and need to access Test Areas not displayed, but in the database, click the Up arrow in the top right corner.
    • A page will open that asks for the password. Enter it and you will be returned to this screen, but will have full access to all the Test Areas in the database.
      • If you do not know the password, contact your System Administrator.

Question List Page

Create New Questions

To create a new question: Click the down arrow to the right of the Select new Question Type box on the top left.

  • To add a test question, first select a Question Type by clicking the down arrow on the right. Then while holding down the browser button, move the cursor to the question type desired, and then let it up to select that option.
  • A page appears where you can enter your new question. The options will vary depending on the type of question selection. For example, multiple choice questions will have a field at the top for the question and 10 fields below for up to ten question sub-options.
    • Every setup page for questions will let you specify one or more correct answers.
    • Weight: Every page let you enter a weight. If you want one page to be more important than another, enter a weight greater than 1. For example, to have question two be 5 times more important than question 1, weight question 1 with a 1 and question 2 with a 5.  A weight of 0 eliminates the question from the overall totals.
    • Category: Every question can be optionally assigned a category name. The default is C1. Categories are ways of grouping questions for display purposes. For example, you might want to have 4 questions based on a short story. Give each of these questions the same Category name such as Story 1. Then go into Edit Test Setup, scroll down to where Categories are displayed, and enter the story in the field provided.
    • Random: Every question is set by default to randomize the sub-options (except true/false). Sometimes it is desirable to turn this feature off. This option lets you turn it off.
    • Tutorial: Tests can be set in Advanced Features to display in tutorial format where questions are presented one at a time and corrected before advancing to the next question. If short information is entered into the tutorial field when setting up a question, then this information will display when students miss a question. It also displays in the Results page, when selected, whether tutorial is turned on or off.
    • Commentary: Questions can have an extended commentary added with instructional material to help students when they make errors and miss a question. The best way to enter this material is to type it in a word processor, spell check it there, and then paste it into the form here. The commentary will display in tutorial mode when students click on the Commentary button after they miss a question. It also displays on the Results page by clicking on the number of the question from the table that displays, when turned on, to show the questions missed.
    • Picture: Most questions can have a picture added to them that displays to the right. When doing math questions and others that require special symbols or graphs, it may be desirable to make the question itself a picture. Since all pictures are stored in the database, they should be small and no more than 50,000 bytes in size. Gif pictures are best because they display quickly.

10 Question Types

Multiple Choice Questions (1-4): The  first four types are variations on the standard multiple choice question.

  • Enter the question in the top box. It can be as long as you want.

  • Enter up to ten options in the A-J fields below.

    • They can be longer than the box. It will simply scroll to the right.

    • Fill-in only the options you want for the question. Any boxes left blank will NOT appear as options in the test.

  • If you want to put links to other pages:

    • <a href="http://www.yourURL.com/courses/taketest.asp">Take Test</a>

    • Change the text in red to be what you want the link to say.

    • Change the text in blue to be the address to the page where you want students to go when clicking on the link.

  • You can used HTML basic codes to modify any text in the Result's page.

  • Right Answers can be specified with the radio buttons or check boxes to the left.

  • The Weight field at the bottom is so you can give special weighting to the question. For example, if you enter a 5, then this question will count as much as 5 questions in the overall total. Do not use fractions or decimals. If you wanted to have the last question count as much as the first 9 in a test that has 10 questions, then give the last question a weight of 9. 

  • The Category field at the bottom lets you enter any name or number of your choice to categorize the question.

    • This is an optional field and it can also be left blank. For example, if the test is to teach math basics, you might categorize the questions by "addition," "subtraction," "multiplication," or "division." You might also want to categorize by question type such as multiple choice or essay.

    • Once you have designed a question and specified a category, you can return to the Test Setup screen and select questions to be included in the test by the categories you have created. You can also specify the order in which questions appear by these categories.

  • The Randomize field, when turned on (the default), randomizes the order in which the sub-options to the question are displayed.

    • If turned off, the sub-options appear in the order in which they are entered.

    • If the last sub-options has "All" or "None" at the beginning or "above" at the end as in "All of the above", then randomize is turned off automatically.

    • If the sub-options are numeric and in a sequential order from lower to higher as in 1, 3, 5 and 6, then randomize is turned off automatically.

  • The Picture field below the question lets you upload a picture to the test. To use this option, click the Browse button and locate the picture on your hard drive that you want placed to the right of the question on the test. Note, the picture should not be larger than 300 pixels wide and tall or it will leave no room on the test for your question. When you click Create, the picture is uploaded to the database on the server.  

  • To create the question, click the "Create" button at the bottom. If you plan to create another question, click the "Cyclical Create" button. It will bring you back to this screen and save you a step.

Fill-in-the-Blank and Essay questions (5-6): These are the fifth and sixth question types.

  • Answers must be entered as Key Words, which are words expected to be found in any reasonable answer. Students type a sentence or essay to answer the question. The computer looks for the Key Words and grades the question based on how many Key Words are found.

    • Now all essay questions are suitable for this type of grading.

    • It works best with questions where specific factual information is expected.

    • Note, for other types of essay questions, you can inform the students to expect a score of 0 on their essay, but you will grade it by hand using Custom Grading in Records and Reports.

  • Enter the Key Words in the Answer Box. The grader will search what the student enters and look for the correct answers.

    • A space between answers indicates different answers: answer1 answer2.

    • A vertical line between answers means it can be either answer1 or answer2: answer1|answer2.

    • The underscore is used to indicate an answer that has 2 or more words in it, but must be in a specific order and counted as only one answer: George_Washington.

    • A correct answer cannot be a word within other words. For example, if the answer is "mount", then "mountain" is not correct.

    • To restrict scoring of a student answer to the first X number of characters, enter #X following the correct answers. For example, "ANSWER #6" considers only the first 6 characters typed. This can be very useful in a fill-in-the-blank question where a short answer is requested and you want to prevent the student from entering many possible answers.

    • If you want to grade all essay questions yourself, this can be done by using Custom Grading in Records and Reports. To temporarily give students a score of 100% on any essay or fill-in-the-blank question and ignore anything they enter as their answer, enter 100% #0 in the answer box. To give them a score of 0%, enter 0% #0 as the answer. You can then later grade the questions and adjust their overall scores.

  • Browser Settings: Many browsers are set to automatically fill-in a text field if 1 or more characters match. This can be a problem when multiple students are using the same computer in a school. You can fix this problem in Internet Explorer as follows:

    • Go to Tools > Internet Options

    • Select the Content tab at the top

    • The bottom section is titled Personal Information.

    • Click the AutoComplete button

    • Uncheck the Forms check box

  • Field Width: The width of the Fill-In-the-Blank fields is normally set at 2 times the width of the answer.

    • If you want to force the field to be 96 characters wide, then add 1000 to the number following the # sign when designating the number of characters to evaluate.

    • If you want it to be 136 characters wide, then add 2000. In the above example, enter "ANSWER #2006". The program will make the field 136 characters wide, then subtract 2000 and only consider the first 6 characters the student enters when grading the question.

Grouped Questions (7-9): Questions 7, 8, and 9 are specialty questions that require a number of answers to get a single question correct.

  • Identify Graphic Components requires you to upload a graphic to appear on the right.

    • For example, this graphic may be a map with the names of the cities removed and replaced with A, B, C...

    • The correct label for each letter is entered on the left side. For example, if you replaced New York on the map with A, then in the A field on the left, enter New York.

  • Matching Sets (Words/Definitions) lets you match a series of related words or concepts.

    • For example, you might want to match cities with states. To do this enter the city on the left and the state on the right.

    • Everything you enter on the left and right side of a single line indicates correct matching answers.

  • Sequential Order lets you list a sequence of items that must be repeated by the student in the same order.

    • Type the correct order in the fields provided.

    • The students will see randomly ordered drop-down menus

    • They will be required to select the correct order.

Sliding Continuum (10): This last question type is used in any test where one answer is more desirable than another, but there is no exact right or wrong answer. A common example is when it used as a survey question which asks "How do you feel about..." or "To what extent....". Surveys are generally also used with the Thank You results page.

  • The Sliding Continuum assumes some responses are more desirable than others and it is scored to identify users who answer it the way the survey designer prefers.

  • This is a multiple choice question with 5 options. You can specify the ranges that appear.

  • Select the "preferred" option with the radio buttons.

  • The grader gives a 1 if the preferred option is selected by the user.  If the next option on the scale, either 1 above or 1 below is chosen, then a 0.75 is given, 2 above or below produces a 0.5, 3 above or below produces 0.25, and 4 above or below a 0.  In this way answers can be partially right and wrong and the survey designer can consider every response in the overall score.

Delete Test Questions

There are two ways to delete questions from a test:

  • Questions List Page:
    • Check the questions you want to delete in the "Del" column
    • Click the Delete Checked Question(s) button at the bottom of the page
  • Modify Question Page:
    • Open a question to edit in the Questions List page by click the number of the question.
    • When the Modify Question page appears, scroll to the bottom and click the Delete Question button.

Edit Test Questions

To edit a question, go to the Question List page in Test Administration and click on the number of the question in the Num column.

  • Num: Number lists the original order in which questions were entered. If there are no numbers, then this test has no questions yet. Click on the number of the question to open where you can edit the question.
  • Type: Type refers to the type of question that was selected when creating it. There are 10 question types available in the drop-down menu.
  • Cat: Category refers to any name or number you assign a question when you create it.
    • For example, you may enter 200 questions for a course and organize them into subject area categories. Or you may want to base categories on difficulty levels.
    • Category names are entered on the Question List page or on the Create/Edit Questions page.
      • To enter Category names on the Question List page, type the names in the Cat field. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page to record your changes to the test.
      • To enter Category names on the Create/Edit Questions page, type the category name in the Category field. Then Save the page.
    • Selecting Questions by Category: Once you have created questions for the test, the next time you enter the Test Setup page, you will see an option at the bottom where you can:
      • Select in what order you want the categories to appear
      • Select how many questions you want displayed in each category
      • Add headers for each category that explains the questions
    • Category Randomization:
      • Categories will appear randomly in the test if Randomize is turned on in Advanced Features and if the Order is left blank in Edit Test Setup under Categories.
      • The questions in categories will also appear randomly if Randomize is turned on in Advanced Features. To turn the randomization of questions within a category off while leaving the random appearance of the categories on, set Randomize on, leave the Order blank, and add $ to end of the category name (for example: C1$).
  • Wgt: Weight refers to the importance assigned to a question.
    • A weight is a number from 0 to 100 assigned to a question. If the Weight is set at 100, then that question is 100 times more important in the overall totals than a question with a weight of 1.
    • If the Weight is set at 0, then that question is eliminated from the totals. If the weights for ALL the questions in a test are set at 0, then:
      • Like tutorials and unlike regular tests, students can close their browsers without submitting and come back to where they left off. Emails no long show scores or show answers as right or wrong, but they do show student responses to the questions if that option is selected.
      • Unlike tutorials, students can submit a test and then come back later and bring up the exact same test to view what they wrote. Temporary records are not automatically deleted as with tutorials when submitting a test, but can be deleted by the Administrator in System Admin.
      • In Advanced Features, Display Questions must be checked and Thank You should be selected as the Result's Page.
  • Special Effects: You can use HTML to modify any text in the instructions, category headings, questions (but not sub-options), and Result's pages. For example, the only way to create paragraphs is to include <br><br> in the text. Hitting Enter will not do it. You can also add this way italics, colors, bold, etc. Multi-Media.

Question Pictures, Hyperlinks, & Notes

  • Question Pictures:

    • You can import a picture from your hard drive and have it display directly below the question.

      • The picture must be in JPG or GIF format

      • The picture should be small and not exceed 50,000 bytes in size.

    • You can also add code HTML code to a question.

      • Place it directly below the question in the Question Field.

      • Use this code: <img border="0" src="http://www.robotutor.com/images/speaker.gif" width="32" height="32"> and replace the characters in red with your values.

  • Question Hyperlinks:

    • You can easily add hyperlinks to other web pages, sound files, graphics, etc. at the end of any question.

      • Enter the Name of the hyperlinks (i.e., what you want the student to click on) in the Wording field under Add a hyperlink to a question.

      • Enter the URL of the hyperlink (i.e., where you want the student to go when he clicks on it) in the URL field.

  • Hidden Notes:

    • You can easily add hidden notes for any test question. As the designer, you can see the notes when you edit the question or when you click on Display Test Setup and Show Questions/Answers on the Question List page.

      • Hidden notes such as where the question came from (book and page number), who designed it, date of design, etc. can be very useful.

      • Hidden notes can contain the Category Headings from Edit Test Setup that go with various questions and that otherwise do not display when you use Display Test Setup or Show Questions/Answers..

Custom Links Wizard

At the bottom of the Question List page, there is a Custom Links Wizard button for creating Student Links to your tests:

  1. Link directly to this Test Log-In page
    • This option lets you link to a specific test or lets students select from different tests in a drop-down menu.
    • There are also options to restrict access by requiring the Test Area or Test ID.
    • To customize the Subtitle of the Log-In page, enter a new value in the field provided.
      • To remove the subtitle, enter: none.
    • A field to add Sorting Codes (such as gender, age, etc) can also be included. When students enter a Sorting Code it is added to the student's profile.
    • To further customize the Log-In page:
      • To customize for everyone: Ask your System Administrator to open TakeTest.asp and change the defaults at the top of the code.
      • To customize for a specific teacher or use: Use the Custom Links Wizard to generate the link, then add these commands to the end.
        • Change Background graphic: &background={path}
          • Use a background color: &bgcolor={color}
        • Change Header graphic: &header={path}
        • Replace Header graphic with logo and title
          • &logo={path} (example: &logo=images/mine1.jpg)
          • &title={new title} Use html code to change font color & size. (example: &title=<font color=white size=5>Granger High School)
        • Change color of log-in table: &table={color}
        • Change email address for support: &email={email address}
        • Change the 1st animation that appears: &animation1={path}
        • Change the 2nd animation that appears: &animation2={path}
  2. Link to a Test Menu
    • The Menu shows all the tests in this Test Area.
    • All the tests in the menu are those from your Test Area list. You can specify the title of the menu.
    • To select specific tests to display in the menu, go to System Administration and add a new Associate Log-In. Then import the tests you want to display.
    • To change the title of the Test Menu, enter a new value in the field provided.
    • To customize the Subtitle of the Log-In page, enter a new value in the field provided.
      • To remove the subtitle, enter: none.
    • To restrict access, check the box and the user will be required to enter the correct Test Area before he can log-in.
  3. Link to an Anonymous Survey
    • This option is generally used in surveys and presentations where the name of the user is unimportant.
      • The page where the student logs-in is generally skipped.
      • All students who take the "survey" are assigned the same name in the records.
      • It is assumed you are not interested in knowing the student, but want anonymous responses to the questions.
    • Survey names are automatically and sequentially assigned. It is recommended you do not change these assigned names.
    • A new Test Area (User Log-In) should be created in System Administration for your surveys.
    • To read survey results, go to Records and Reports > Survey Analysis Report.
  4. Use an assigned Test Access Code which links to a course menu
    • This option restricts access to students with a Test Access Code that has been assigned to them.
      • Test Access Codes can only be created by the System Administrator
      • Test Access Codes restrict access to a specific time frame.
      • Test Access Codes restrict access to specific training materials and tests.
    • Once the code has been entered, students are redirected to a web page with a list of training materials and associated tests.
  5. Link to the Academic Olympics games
    • This option lets you specify a specific test or lets students select from different tests in a drop-down menu.
    • You can also specify a specific game format or let students pick the format.
  6. Link to the Training Menu without first Logging-In
    • This option gives you a link that you can put on other web pages which can take students directly to the Training Menu without first needing to log-in.
      • The link needs to be modified with the name of a Test Area where the only access right is to the Training Menu.
    • This option can also give you a link to the Main Menu without first Logging-In.
      • You should be cautious in using this option for security reasons.

Academic Olympics Game

This option is a fun way for students to learn the material in any test.

  • The game is activated by selecting a Game Mascot and clicking Go at the bottom of the Question List page.

    • If you select a game for THIS Test, then the Academic Olympics will use the current test for the game.

    • If you select a game for ANY TEST, then the Academic Olympics will provide a drop-down menu where students can select any game in the Test Area.

  • Student names and scores are not recorded in the Test Area database. As a result, no Test Area or Student Password is requested.

  • The number of students who play the game on a single terminal can be from 1 to 8.

  • Any test can be played as a game using this option. But because students rotate through the questions, the test should have at least 20 or more questions in it.

    • For example, if 3 students play the game and there are 20 questions, then each student will get 6 questions. The last two questions are dropped so that each student can have the same number of questions.

    • The number of questions that are used in the game is the same as the number of questions that are set to display in Display Test Setup when students take the test. So if you want the game to display more questions than the test, create a new test using the Create Test from Template option and copy all the questions into the new test.

  • A student can enter any name or nickname he wants. But he must click Add Player for it to be included in the game. Once all the names have been entered, then leave the Name of Player box empty and just click Start the Game.

  • To make a link to a game, go to the Question List page and click the above link. Then copy the Address in the browser and put it anywhere you want a link.

    • To have the game display the CORRECT answer when students miss a question, the path to the game should have Help=Answers at the end. This is the default when you click on the Game link.

    • To have the game display the TUTORIAL answer when student miss a question, change Answers to Tutorial so it looks like this: Help=Tutorial.

    • To have the game display both CORRECT and TUTORIAL answers, use Help=Both

    • To have the game display nothing, use Help=

  • Trouble Shooting:

    • The Game will not play in some older browsers. We recommend you download free copies of Internet Explorer or Netscape 6.0+. If you are using a Mac, then down Internet Explorer or Netscape 5.0+.

    • When a student clicks Add Player 1, it should come back and say Add Player 2. The Start the Game button should appear next to Add Player. If it just repeats Add Player 1 again and again or the game otherwise is not running properly, your Browser may not configured properly.

      • To fix the problem in Internet Explorer:

        • Go to Tools > Internet Options.

        • Click the General Tab and then click the Settings button for Temporary Internet Files.

        • Check for new versions of stored pages: Select Every visit to the page.

        • Go back and select the Privacy tab.

        • Select Medium High or lower.

        • Save your changes. Close your browser and then open it again.

        • Go back and select the Advanced tab.

        • Scroll down to Microsoft VM and make sure the JIT compiler is checked.

      • To fix the problem in Netscape: Go to Edit > Preferences and change the settings to correspond to those in Internet Explorer described above.

Restricted Access to Sensitive Surveys

Surveys are setup to be Anonymous and therefore bypass the normal Log-In page.

  • All users of the survey use the same student name which is generally setup as follows: First Name="Student" and Last Name="Survey?" where ? is replaced by a number.

  • A "Survey" Test Area (with its own Log-In and password)  is generally setup specifically for surveys.

    • The Survey itself is setup in an Associate Test Area with restricted rights to only Records & Reports.

  • Use the Custom Links Wizard to create the survey link which is shown on the Custom RoboTutor Link page..

    • Click the top link to go directly to the survey.

    • Click the bottom link to restrict access to the survey with a password.

      • The "Password" is the password to the Test Area where the survey is located.

  • The Restricted Survey Access page is located in the "Survey" folder.

    • The Custom Links Wizard sets the following parameters:

      • F=Student First Name

      • L=Student Last Name

      • SP=Student Password

      • T=Test Area

      • TP=Test Password

    • You can change the parameters as you wish. You can also eliminate them and use the defaults that are setup in survey/default.asp.

      • Setting the defaults makes it so only 1 survey can have restricted access at a time.

      • It has the advantage that you are not giving the potential user both the name of the Test Area and the Password. A knowledgeable user could then go to RoboTutor and read the records.

Linking Students to Tests

It is easy for students to take the tests, training materials, surveys, or games you create.

  • Create Hyperlinks from the Question List page:

    • Setup Academic Olympics GameAcademic Olympic Games: To setup a game using this test for the questions, click the Academic Olympic Games icon. You will have the option of configuring it in a number of different formats and then to open it and play it.

    • Setup Venture GameThe Venture Game: To setup a jeopardy style game using up to four different tests, click the Venture Game icon. You will have the option of configuring it in a number of different formats and then to open it and play it. 

    • Try the test without first logging in.Tryout Test: To tryout the test without first logging-In, click the Tryout It icon. No name is requested and the test will start immediately just like in a survey. No records of you taking the test are kept in the database.

    • Take the test as a student takes it.Take Test: To take the test as students take it by logging in with your name and password, click the Take Test icon. Copy the URL and paste it into any other web page. You can also click the Custom Links Wizard button to get more options in creating these hyperlinks.

    • View all tests in a menu before logging in.Test Menu: To view all the tests in your Test Area before students Log-In, click the Test Menu icon. A menu is displayed with links to all the tests in this Test Area. Click on any one of them to log-in. Copy and paste into any other web page.

    • Custom Links WizardCustom Links Wizard: To create a custom test, survey, or games menu that can be displayed when students go to Students Tests from the Main Menu, click the Custom Links Wizard icon.. Note, a special log-in can be created by students so they go directly to the Training Menu.

    • Setup Training MenuSetup Training Menu: To edit or delete tests from the the custom tests, survey, or games menus, click the Edit Custom Links icon.

      • You can change the order in which links are displayed so the training material is followed by the test link.

      • You can also add links to training materials and optionally import them to the RoboTutor site.

    • Default Training Menu: When there are no custom links (as in new Test Areas or when all links have been deleted), the user has the option of viewing in the Training Menu all tests in this Test Area.

  • Have your students log-in using YOUR User Name and instead of your Password, have them enter the Student Password for this Test Area as listed in System Admin > Edit or Delete User Access. This will automatically restrict them to only the Training Menu.

    • From System Administration, create one or more Test Areas or Associates to your Test Area and restrict access rights to just the Training Menu. Then let your students use them.

    • The students will see nothing else in your Test Area except the Training Menu that you create there. You do not need to create another Test Area or Associate for your students.

    • If you want to distinguish between classes or groups, put a drop-down menu on the top of your tests that specify the periods (1-7). This can be done in Edit Test Setup. If you restrict it to integers, it will process much faster.

  • Remove Browser Headings: If you open a test using the Training Menu, it removes the Standard Buttons and Address Bar from the top of your browser. To do that from a regular hyperlink, you need to include the following JavaScript. In the <Heading> put the following:

    <script language="JavaScript"> <!--
    function win(GoURL)
    var tHeight=window.screen.availHeight
    var tWidth=window.screen.availWidth
    var tStr="location=no, resizable=no, directories=no, toolbar=no, status=no, scrollbars=yes, menubar=no, width="+tWidth+", height="+tHeight+", top=0, left=0"
    //--> </SCRIPT>

    Then in the <Body>, insert a button graphic that says Quiz and add this code to it:
    Language="JavaScript" onClick="win('
    RoboTutorTestLink is the address that opens the test as produced by the Custom Links Wizard.

Customizing Student Links

Students take tests by clicking on a link to one of these 3 files: TakeTest.asp, TestMenu.asp, and TestCode.asp. The one the teacher chooses depends upon specific application needs.  Students can also review test content by playing the Academic Olympics Game with a link to game/StartGame.asp.

  1. If you want to put a DIRECT link from your course materials to a SPECIFIC test, then create a link to TakeTest.asp.

    • General Link Instructions:

      • TakeTest will only ask for the student's name and password. Then it will take the student to the test specified.

      • The link to TakeTest.asp is normally set to open in a NEW window. The exceptions are listed below under Window Display Options.

      • The names of the student and Test Areas as well as the Test ID are all hidden in the link parameters as shown below.

      • If NO parameters are set as part of the link, then TakeTest will ask for the name of the student and Test Areas as well as the Test ID.

    • Setup and Confirmation features:

      • If the test is setup in Advanced Features to allow and confirm new names, then to enter a new name the student must check the "Click here if you are a NEW student" box.

        • Every student or employee must have a unique password, ID or employee number.

      • If the test is setup to allow new names without confirming them or to request no name at all, then the "Click here if you are a NEW student" box does not appear

        • Students or employees can have the same passwords.

    • Setup By-Pass Parameters

      • If these parameters ARE entered with the link to TakeTest, then this page will only ask for the student name and password.

      • It is possible to add parameters for the student name or password so that even these fields do not appear, for example, when doing a survey.

      • Test Area: Since there can also be any number of Test Areas, the one the teacher wants these students to access must be specified.

      • Test ID: A Test Area can have any number of tests in it. Each test has a Test ID that identifies the specific test the student is to take.

      • This is what the hyperlink to TakeTest.asp should look like:

      • If you are linking to the RoboTutor site, you only need to enter the Test ID (shown in green at the very end). The Test ID (test password) is a unique number or name that you assign a test when you create it. If you are on another site, you also need to change the path (blue) and the names of your student and Test Areas (lavender).

      • If you would like to have your students or employees enter 1 or more Sorting Codes (course number, teacher, age, etc.) when they log into a test, add &code=true to the end of the hyperlink shown above.

      • Sorting Codes can be used in Student Administration to select students for various reports.

        • You can also enter the Sorting Code directly in the command line if you want that code for every student. For example, &code=Jones3 for Mr. Jones' 3rd period. 

          • To add several Sorting Codes from the command line, include a COMMA between them, but NO spaces. For example: &code=Jones,Period3

        • Sorting Codes also work with Test Menus and Surveys.

    • Window Display Options and Student Links:

      • If you setup the test in Advanced Features to open in a New Browser window, then you should set any link to the test to open in a NEW window.

        • If you are using the Training Menu, then the link the link should be:

      • If you setup the test in Advanced Features to open Full Screen, then you should open the test in the same window as the link.

        • If you are using the Training Menu, then the link the link should be:

        • When linking to the Training Menu or directly to the test, adding "window=1" makes it so the Exit button returns to the previous page rather than closing the window.

  2. If you want your students to see a MENU of all tests in a specific Test Area, then create a link to TestMenu.asp.

    • TestMenu is designed to automatically create a menu of all tests in a specific Test Area. All the links from this menu are automatically set so students only need to enter their names.

    • The names of the student and Test Areas as well as the title on the menu page are all hidden in the link parameters as shown below.

    • The link to TestMenu.asp should always be set to open in a NEW window.

    • If NO parameters are set as part of the link, then TestMenu will ask for the name of the Test Area and the title for the test menu.

    • If these parameters ARE entered with the link to TestMenu, then this page will not display and the student will go directly to the menu itself.

    • This is what the hyperlink to TestMenu.asp should look like:
      testarea=everyone9&testtitle=My Tests

    • If you are linking to the RoboTutor site, you only need to enter a test title (shown in green at the end). If you are on another site, you need to change the path (blue) and the names of your student and Test Areas (lavender).

  1. If you want to use a "test" in a GROUP PRESENTATION or an ANONYMOUS SURVEY, you will probably NOT want the program to ask for a student name and password.

  • To skip the Log-In page, the hyperlink should look like the following. Notice it is the same as the above except the text in blue has been added. You can use whatever first name, last name, and student password you prefer. Everyone who takes the test will go in under that name.

    • Note: the values in lavender shown above (firstname=Student, lastname=Summary and studentpassword=12345) can be substituted with any other values you prefer as long as they are not used by any existing student.

  • Another option is to have TakeTest list all the tests in a specific Test Area using a drop-down menu in place of the text field that asks for the Test ID.  That way students can simply pick a test. You could have a Test Area with nothing but the tests in a specific subject. To start the game with a drop down menu, replace testpassword={Test ID} with testpassword=testmenu like this: http://www.robotutor.com/RoboTutor10/taketest.asp?firstname=Student&lastname=Survey1&studentpassword=Survey1

  1. It may be desirable at times to restrict student access to tests and course materials by linking them to TestCode.asp. 

    • From the main menu, click on System Administration. Access is limited to those who know the password to this area.

    • On the next page, scroll down to the Access Codes section and enter the number of pass codes you want to generate in the # field.

    • Enter the number of months the pass codes will be usable once they are activated in the Mo. field.

    • Enter the URL where the students will go to see the course materials.

      • RoboTutor comes with 3 course templates already setup in the /courses folder. Then use a path to that folder as your URL above. The URL you put in the form to create Access Codes for /course1 would then be http://{your server}/robotutor10/courses/course1/CourseTitle1.asp.

      • Note, if you click the Test Link button and your address is CORRECT, then you should get the following: Application Error, A Pass Code was not specified. It says this because you should not be able to access these pages without a test code number.

    • Click Submit and a page appears that lists the pass codes generated. Be sure and print it.

    • The next step is to generate the course materials using the files in your new course folder.

      • Open CourseMenu1.asp in an HTML editor such as FrontPage.

      • Add or delete menu links as needed.

      • Modify the Final Exam link at the bottom to include your Test Area and the password to the test.

      • Do the same for each of the Section pages.

      • When the course materials are finished and on the network, put a link for your students to TestCode.asp. Give (or sell) to each of your students one of the pass codes. You can put a link directly to the log-in page or use the Training Menu with Test Access Codes.

        • To link directly, use: http://{your server}/RoboTutor10/testcode.asp

        • . Enter the URL in System Admin when you create the codes.
        • To link using the Training Menu, enter the URL in Setup Training Menu and leave the URL blank when you create the Access Codes in System Admin. If you enter URLs in both, then the URL used in System Admin will override the one in the Training Menu.

      • Students will be only asked for their Access Code. Once they enter their name, it is tied to that Access Code and all they need to do in the future is enter the code to access the course materials.

    Access Codes are special 6 digit passwords created here that employees are required to enter before they can access training materials and tests. On first use, the employee enters a name and from then on the Access Code will bring up that name for the number of months specified above. Access Codes are very useful when access to course materials, once initiated, is restricted to a specified time period and may or may not be based on a fee paid.

    • To create 1 or more Access Codes, enter the number of codes needed in the # field (unlimited).

    • Enter the months in the Mo field that students will have access to the course materials and tests after first logging-in.

      • They are required to enter their name and/or password to activate it.

    • Access Codes can be setup for use in Training Menu or from stand-along hyperlinks that go to Testcode.asp.

      • To setup student use of Access Codes , use the Custom Links Wizard in Test Administration and then the assigned Test Access Code option. When the Custom RoboTutor Link page appears, copy the link or click the Add to Custom Training Menu.

    Purge Expired Access Codes

    • Access Codes are setup for a specific duration of time once they have been accessed. The total number that have expired are shown in parentheses.

    • To clean up the database and erase old Access Codes, click the Purge Expired Access Codes, and they will be deleted.

      • Note, only the Access Codes associated with your Test Area are deleted.

  2. If you want your students to PLAY a GAME using the questions from any test, then create a link to game/default.asp.

    • The names of the Test Area and Test ID are usually hidden in the link parameters as shown below.

    • No Student Records are saved in the Test Area database, so no reference needs to be put in the code.

    • The link to StartGame.asp should always be set to open in a NEW window.

      • Note, the files for the game are all in the Game folder under the main menu. Your links must therefore include the name of the folder as shown below.

    • If NO parameters are set as part of the link, then StartGame will ask for the Test Area (testarea) and the Test ID (testpassword).

    • If these parameters ARE entered in the parameters with the link to StartGame, then StartGame will only ask for the names of the players.

    • This is what the hyperlink to StartGame.asp should look like:

    • If you are linking to the RoboTutor site, you only need to enter the name of the Test Area (shown in lavender) and Test ID (shown in green at the end). If you are on another site, you need to change the path (blue).

    • Another option is to have StartGame list all the tests in a specific Test Area using a drop-down menu in place of the text field that asks for the Test ID.  That way students can simply pick a test. You could have a Test Area with nothing but special game versions of the tests. To start the game with a drop down menu, replace testpassword={Test ID} with testpassword=testmenu like this:

    • To make a link to a game, go to the Question List page and click the Game link at the bottom of the page. When it opens in your browser, copy the Address and put it anywhere you want a link.

      • To have the game display the CORRECT answer when students miss a question, the path to the game should have Help=Answers at the end. This is the default when you click on the Game link.

      • To have the game display the TUTORIAL answer when student miss a question, change Answers to Tutorial so it looks like this: Help=Tutorial.

      • To have the game display both CORRECT and TUTORIAL answers, use Help=Both

      • To have the game display nothing, use Help=

Setup Training Menu

This option lets you change edit or delete links that display in the Training Menu created using the Custom Links Wizard.

  • The Super Menu is an optional drop-down menu that appears on the Main Training Menu screen below the title and divides the Main Menu into separate sections according to any criteria that make logical sense.

    • For example, the Super Menu may be setup with 5 options: the years 2001-2008. Other options might be school names, locations, instructors.

    • When any Super Menu option is selected, the Main Menu will show the entries that match the Super Menu selected as setup by the instructor.

      • This makes it possible to setup training menus for various organizations according to years: Setup the Super Menu as years. Setup the Main Menu as schools or company plants. Setup the Sub-Menus as courses or tests.

    • If there is more than 1 Super Menu entry, a drop-down box appears at the top of the Main Menu. The effect is that of a series of menus BEFORE the Main Menu (3 layered menu system).

    • To eliminate a Super Menu from appearing, create no more than 1 Super Menu.

    • To create a new Super Menu, select "New" from the drop-down menu and enter the name of the Super Menu in the field to the right.

    • To move one or more items from one Super Menu and move them to another Super Menu, check the boxes on the left side of the items you want to move, enter the name of the new Super Menu in the box at the top, then click the S-Update button.

    • To delete a Super Menu, remove all items in it.

  • The Main Menu is the first menu a student sees when logging in for training.

    • It contains links to the logical organization of the training material.

    • For example, the Main Menu may contain the names of schools, facilities, or departments.

    • When the user clicks on one of these links, the appropriate Sub-Menu opens and displays the courses assigned to that option.

  • The Sub-Menu is the second (or third if a Super Menu is setup) and last menu that appears.

    • It generally contains options that link to specific training courses or tests.

    •  To organize the Sub-Menu by month - preface each course with the month like this: Jan 06: Safety Training.

    • There are any number of custom courses that can be setup here and will display in the Training Menu.

    • Courses can be training materials such as PowerPoint presentations, Word documents, RoboTutor tests, surveys, games or any combination of these.

  • Add/Edit Course Titles: NEW course links are setup in the fields at the bottom of the form to the right of the Add button. After filling in all the fields, click the Add button to create the link. To EDIT an existing link above the Add fields, make the changes you want and click Save Edits. To delete an existing link, check the boxes to the left and click the Delete Checked Links button.

    • Every NEW Main Menu Title will create a different course and has an associated Sub-Menu Title, Order and Link URL.

      • Two rows can be combined together if the 1st row contains a link to training materials and the 2nd row contains a link to a test. They will automatically combine if they both have the exact same names, except the 2nd row has {Quiz} at the end. The word or words in braces can vary, but it must be in braces. 

      • If there are more than 40 menu options, they will be displayed in two columns, rather than one.

    • The link can be to a RoboTutor Test, Word document, PowerPoint presentation or virtually anything that can be displayed in a browser.

      • The Link URL can be to any test materials you upload or to anything with a web address accessible on your network.

    • To setup a course with 3 links to training materials and a test, setup three fields all with the SAME Main Menu Title, but three different Sub-Menu Titles, orders 1-3, and distinct URLs.

    • The easiest way to add a link to a RoboTutor test is to select the test in Test Administration, then click the Custom Links Wizard at the bottom of the Questions List page.

    • To setup a course link and NOT have it display in the associated Training Menu, put an asterisk * anywhere in the Main Menu Title. This may be desirable when you want to turn on and off various links at different times, but not lose the links.

  • Access Codes: To setup a course link and have it open an Access Code* window before going to the Sub-Menu, put a $ anywhere in the Main Menu title. Note, the $ does not display in the title when students see the menu.

    • You must enter something in the Link URL field, but it doesn't matter what it is because the address to where it goes is controlled when you create the Access Code. If a link is entered in the Training Menu, it is ignored later.

    • Test Access Codes are created in System Administration. They are randomly generated numbers that limit access to specific time periods once activated. To create an Access Code, click "Create/Show/Delete Access Codes" at the bottom of the System Administration main menu. Enter the number of codes you want in the top field, the number of months they will be active in the second field, and the address to where you ant them to go in the third field. Print out the list of codes generated.

    • Now when students go to the Training Menu and select the menu options you setup for Access Codes, a window will open that asks the student to enter the Access Code. Once entered, it will take the student to the address (or test) you assigned to that Access Code.

    • Once students log-in using a Test Access Code, they do not need to enter their name and password when taking any tests.

  • Update Menu Items: Click the Update button to save any and all changes made to the menu, including the new item in the Add fields.

  • S-Update Menu Items: Click the S-Update button to save changes made to any items where the box on the left side is checked. Only changes made to the checked items will be saved.

  • Remove Menu Items: Check the boxes on the left side of the items you want to remove from the menu and then click the Remove button. Those entries for the selected Super Menu will be removed.

  • Import Menu Items: To import ALL the menus from another Test Area, click the Import button, enter the Test Area Name and password, and click Submit. If you already have some of the menu names and links, they will be merged, but not duplicated.

  • Copy Down Menu Items: To copy menu entries to other Test Areas, check the boxes to the left of the Main Menu title and click the Copy Down button. On the next screen select the Test Areas you want to copy the selected menu items down to and click Submit.

  • Master Menu: Click this button to open a menu to which students can be directed and which has links to Training Menus setup each Test Area.

    • This menu assumes there is at least 1 training menu setup with content.

    • The name that appears in the menu is the Test Area User Name. To change the link name, change the name of the Test Area in System Administration.

    • To remove a link in this menu, delete all content for the Training Menu in that Test Area.

    • To add a link to the menu, add content to the Training Menu in that Test Area.

    • To use this option, copy the path from your browser and use it on your home page to link to all RoboTutor training.

  • Import Custom Training Menus: Click the Import button on the bottom of the page to copy the complete Custom Training Menus from another Test Area. Since a Custom Training Menu with many course titles and Sub-Menus can take a while to setup and many teachers often want to use the same or similar menu with their classes, this feature can save you a lot of time.

  • Import Training Materials: Click UL at the bottom of the page to upload into a RoboTutor sub-folder images, sound files, graphics, course materials such as Word documents or PowerPoints, or an Access database for use in RoboTutor when setting up test graphics, adding sound to backgrounds or questions, linking to training materials, or importing data from another RoboTutor database by first exporting tests to Access and then uploading the file to rtdb9/tests and then importing the tests.

  • Hyper-linking to the Custom Training Menus: To create a web link to the Training Menus, follow these steps:

    1. Your students can log-in using your Log-In Test Area and the Student Password as setup in System Administration>Edit or Delete User Access. This gives them restricted access to only your Training Menu.

    2. To by-pass the log-in screen, your hyperlink will be like this:

      • {yourURL}= the web address to RoboTutor on your server

      • {UserName}= the Test Area Name for your Test Area.

      • {Student Password} = the Student Password for your Test Area.

    3. When students click on the link, it will bypass the log-in page and go directly to the Training Menu.

    4. Note, you can have the a custom log-in for individual users by setting the command line as follows:

      • http://{URL}/RoboTutor10/default.asp?Mode=1&Logo=images/logo.asp&Title=My_Company

      • The _ in the title stands for spaces and is removed when it displays

      • Command line settings for the font face and size or rotating pictures are not supported.

      • Be sure and have your System Administrator set the Session variable on the server to 3 hours to remember the settings.

        *It is possible to modify RoboTutor so the process of selecting a course, signing up and paying for it, and creating the Access Code and sending it to the student is all completely automated.

Import Training Materials

This option lets you upload into a RoboTutor sub-folder images, sound files, graphics, course materials such as Word documents or PowerPoints, or an Access database for use in RoboTutor when setting up test graphics, adding sound to backgrounds or questions, linking to training materials, or importing data from another RoboTutor database by first exporting tests to Access and then uploading the file to rtdb9/tests and then importing the tests.

  • Training materials can be easily imported to the server and linked anyplace in RoboTutor such as where it requests a graphic for the header or background, instructions for a test or question, or where sound files are requested.
    • The maximum file import size is 10 megs.
      • It is possible to increase this limit, but it must be done by the system administrator on the server.
      • Larger Word, Flash, and PowerPoint documents cannot be imported, but can be used by manually placing them on any web server in the network.
    • The folders in the drop-down menu are all sub-folders under RoboTutor10 on the web server. Files that are linked in RoboTutor need to be on a web server where they can be accessed using an http:// address.
      • The folders in the drop-down menu must have WRITE permissions set or you will get an error message that says the application cannot write to that folder. Permissions are set by the web server administrator and cannot be change within the application.
    • To import a file, click the Browse button, locate the document and click the "Upload Files >>" button.
      • The document will be put in the selected sub-folder under RoboTutor.
      • If the Upload is successful, the http:// address to that Test Area will appear below in red. You should copy this address and paste it where you want to link to the file. All you need to do is add the name of the specific file to the end of the link.
      • Note, links to files that are entered into form fields such as in Advanced Features and the Results Pages can use only that part of the address which is below RoboTutor10. For example, the link http://www.robotutor.com/robotutor10/images/mg.gif can be shorted to images/mg.gif and it will work.

Import Custom Training Menus

This option lets you import the complete Custom Training Menus that have been setup in any other Test Area.

  • Enter the User Name and Password of the Test Area from which you want to import the Custom Menus and click Submit.

    • A User Name is requested to designate the Test Area from which to import.

    • The Password protects the work and privacy of the User.

  • All the Custom Menus setup in the Test Area you are accessing will be imported and added to your Custom Menus.

    • You can then edit or delete the links as need in the Edit Training Menu screen.

Venture Game Setup

The Venture Game is a RoboTutor Version 10 add-on and is installed separately from the main application. If you do not see links to the game, contact your System Administrator and ask to have it installed. This game is a fun way for students to learn the material in any test and can be played with 1 to 8 players per terminal.

Venture Game Test List: This page lets you select the subject categories to be used in the game, each of which is based on a test setup in RoboTutor. Any number of subject categories can be selected, but for display purposes, we recommend 4 or less.

Venture Game Setup: This page lets you setup the parameters for students to play the game.

  • Subject Areas: The subject areas you selected on the previous screen are listed at the top. If you want to change them, click the Back button on your browser.

  • Players: The number of players can be from 1 to 8, but only 4 should plan to play on a single terminal where they intend to answer the questions themselves. If there are 5 or more players, it is best to designate 1 person to enter all the answers.

  • Questions: The number of questions in each subject area is restricted to the number of questions in the smallest test. For example, if you are using 4 tests and the smallest has 10 questions and the largest 100 questions, then the number of questions possible in the game for any category is 10.

  • Time: Players have a limited amount of time to answer each question and this can range from 10 to 60 seconds depending on the age and difficulty of the questions.

  • Basic Value: Each question is worth a specific amount of money which can be setup here. But if some questions have a higher priority than 1, the amount of money is multiplied by that priority level.  For example, if you set the basic value at $100, but one of the questions has a priority of 5, then it's value will be $500.

  • Mode: The game can be played on a rotation or speed basis. If played on rotation, then each player will get to answer a question in order. If played on speed, then the player who gets to answer the question is the one who clicks his designated key on the keyboard first.

Playing the Venture Game: After setting up the game, a page appears which shows how the game has been setup with the following options:

  • Here is your custom Student Link: Copy the link and paste it into any other web page, word processor document, or presentation. Students can then click on it and start the game.

  • URL: Copy the http:// path shown and paste it into anywhere you can use a hyperlink.

  • Add to Custom Game Menu: Click this button to add the link to the custom Training Menu. Then students can log-in from RoboTutor and play a series of games you setup.

  • Play Game: Click this button to play the game directly from the Setup page.

  • Overall Winners: Click this button to to see who the overall winning students are for the categories you selected.

How to Play the Venture Game

Assign Names to Players: The Venture Game can be played with 2 to 8 players which are entered here.

  • Players should enter their names like this: John Doe.

  • If players are from 2 or more teachers, grades, or schools, then they may want to add symbols to indicate where they are from such as this: John Doe, BHS.

  • Player names and scores are not recorded in the test database, but records are kept of everyone who played the game with this set of categories so a list of overall winners can be generated at the end.

Select a Question & Wager: The Venture Game displays the category names across the top with a blue button and wager amount for each questing below.

  • The names of the players are shown in blue on the left side with their total earnings.

  • The player who is to select the question is shown in yellow on the left side.

  • Click any blue button to start the game action.

Question & Answer: Players can play the game by rotation or speed. If by rotation, then each player answers questions in order. If by speed, then the first player to hit his designed key on the keyboard gets to answer the question.

  • Time Limit: The game provides a limited amount of time to answer each question as shown in the time box. Once time has expired, the correct answer is given and the player assigned to answer the question gets it wrong.

  • Wager: The Wager is shown in pink on the left side.

  • Category: The Category selected is shown in white on the left side.

  • When playing by Rotation: The name of the player to answer the question is shown in yellow on the left side.

  • When playing by Speed: The first player to hit his/her designated key gets to answer the question:

    • Player 1 hits the "1" key on the keyboard

    • Player 2 hits the "=" key on the keyboard

    • Player 3 hits the "x" key on the keyboard

    • Player 4 hits the "/" key on the keyboard

    • If there are 5 or more players, then the teacher or similar person should be assigned the role of selecting who gets to answer the question.

    • If a player answers the question correctly, then he/she gets to select the next question to answer.

    • If a player hits his key first and then answers the question incorrectly, he/she will lose the amount of money wagered.

Game Winners: After all the questions have been selected, the game winners will display and show in order who has the most amount of money won.

Overall Winners: Click the Overall Winners button to display the names of players with their total earning.

  • The list includes any students who played the game with these specific subject areas. Different subject areas will produce a different list.

  • The names on the list can be from any location (class, school, country) where access to the game can be accomplished over the LAN or Internet.

  • The list of winners can be reset by the teacher or the System Administrator.

Select a Special Test Option


Edit Test Setup

This option lets you edit all the main display and performance options for the test. For a detailed description how to use this option, click the Test Setup tab at the top of this section.

Create Test from Template

This option creates a new test using the test currently being edited as the template:

  • With some exceptions, all the parameters from Test Setup, Advanced Features, and the Results Pages are kept the same.

    • You are requested to give a new title for the test, as well as a new subtitle, author, and password.

    • You have the option to link the test to another test so only students who passed the other test can take this test.

    • All Category settings from the previous test are removed.

    • The number of test questions is set at "All."

  • To edit the parameters used in the template, click Edit Test Setup after creating the new test.

  • To create a new test that does not use the test currently being edit as a template, go back to the Test List page and click the Create New Test button there.

Show Test Mockup

This option is a quick way to show what the test looks. It is only a mockup of your test if it were setup to display all the test questions at one time. If your test is setup to display questions in any other format such as tutorial, you will need to actually take the test to see it displayed the way students will see it.

  • The test is displayed with all questions on one screen.

    • The Tutorial option is turned off.

    • The Randomize Questions option is turned off.

    • Submit for Evaluation and Erase & Start Over buttons have been removed.

    • The Exit button simply returns you to the Question List page.

    • The Display Questions option to show a specified number of questions at a time is turned off.

  • If there are more than 30 questions in the test, it will display them 30 at a time.

Print Test with Answer Key

This option lets you generate a test and answer key for use in the classroom when computers are not available.

  • A test will be generated from the database and presented on the screen.
    • The test displays itself in a new window.
    • To print, use the browser print options. If you want to modify the test before you print it, or if you want to enter page breaks so that individual questions are not on two pages, use Edit> Select All and Edit > Copy. Then open your word processor, such as Microsoft Word, and Edit > Paste it into a new document. Here you can make any modifications you want, check spelling, and enter page breaks.
      • When printing from the browser, you can turn off the Window Title and Page Address in IE by clicking File Menu > Page Setup. Clear the Header and Footer boxes.
  • Under the Title and Subtitle are 3 optional lines where you can put the name of your school, the teacher's name, and request the student's name. If they are left blank, the lines disappear from the top of the test.
    • To give maximum space for the student name at the top, type Name: ________________ on line 2.
  • The number of questions that display for printing at one time is set in Advanced Features under "Test Options". See DISPLAY QUESTIONS on screen [?] at a time.
  • Spaces between questions can be optionally added so the pages are printed without splitting questions. This assumes you are using the browser to print the tests. It is not necessary if you copy and past the test into your word processor.
  • Borders can be included to emphasize questions. All font and border colors black.
  • If you select to Print answer sheet, the answers to the test will be displayed in a second window on TOP of the test. Print it and then close it. You do not need to copy and paste it into your word processor.
  • Question Types 7, 8, & 9 can be displayed for printing in two formats:
    • Student enters the letter that matches correct answers. This is the default.
    • Student writes in the correct answer. To select this option, check the Write in Answers box.

Copy Test Questions

 This button lets you copy specific questions from any other test in this Test Area.

  • The Test Area from which the questions will be copied is always the active one.

  • When you select this option, a page appears that displays all the other tests in the database.

  • Check the boxes for tests from which you want to copy questions.

  • If you to copy only specific questions, check the box at the top: Choose individual questions...

    • A page appears that lists all the questions in the first test selected.

    • Check the ones you want to copy.

  • Click Submit and those questions are copied to your active test.

Import Test Questions

Importing from a RoboTutor 9 Access Database
  • You have the option of importing multiple choice, true/false, or survey type questions from documents created in your word processor.
  • Save your word processor document on your hard drive as a text file.
    • The number of questions to be imported should not exceed 50 at one time. If  you have more than 50 question, divide into into multiple documents and import them one at a time.
      • Note, if you do divide the list, each section you import must be renumbered from 1.
    • Use Save As: Text Only (*.txt)
      (If your word processor has: Save As Text (*.*), use the extension .txt)
    • Any .txt format works except "Encoded Text"
  • Click the "Import questions from text file" button.
  • Browse to find the text file and click Submit
  • The file is uploaded to the server and displayed on next screen.
  • Click HERE for specific instructions on how to setup word processor or text files to import tests.

Importing from a Word Processor or Text File

  • You have the option of importing multiple choice, true/false, or survey type questions from documents created in your word processor.
  • Save your word processor document on your hard drive as a text file.
    • The number of questions to be imported should not exceed 50 at one time. If  you have more than 50 question, divide into into multiple documents and import them one at a time.
    • Use Save As: Text Only (*.txt)
      (If your word processor has: Save As Text (*.*), use the extension .txt)
    • Any .txt format works except "Encoded Text"
  • Click the "Import questions from text file" button.
  • Browse to find the text file and click Submit
  • The file is uploaded to the server and displayed on next screen.

Creating Tests in your Word Processor

When you make your tests, please follow these procedures for creating multiple choice, true/false, or sliding continuum test questions. Other types of test questions cannot be imported using these procedures and must be entered manually, one at a time.

  • Open your word processor and create a blank page. If you type a header, title, or other text above the first question, it will be ignored. 
  • Create multiple choice questions with one or more correct answers as follows:

    1. Who was the first President of the United States?
    A. George Bush
    B. George Washington*
    C. Teddy Roosevelt
    • Begin the first question in the test by typing 1. next to the left margin followed by a space.
    • Follow the question by the options, each of which should begin with a letter of the alphabet.
      • There is a maximum of 10 sub-options (A to J). If any more are included, they will be ignored.
    • If there is an asterisk * ANYWHERE on the line of a sub-option, that indicates it is the correct answer.
      • If there is no asterisk on any line, then A is the correct answer by default.
    • If a question has 2 or more correct answers, put an asterisk on each line.
  • Create True/False questions as follows:

    2. Was George Washington the second President of the United States?
    A. True
    B. False*
    • Put True on the first line and False on the second.
    • If the answer is true, you don't need to include the asterisk
    • If the answer is false, put an asterisk after "false" on the second line.
  • Importing content for the Tutorials and Commentaries:

    • Tutorial content can be imported by as shown in the example above by adding the labels shown in red. Note: it must be on the last line of the answers for each question. Tutorials usually give hints as how to find the correct answer.

      2. Was George Washington the second President of the United States?
      A. True
      B. False*
      Tutorial: His name is also the name of the capitol of the U.S.
    • Commentary content can be imported by as shown in the example above by adding the labels shown in red. Note: it must be on the next line after any of the answers. Commentaries usually contain additional instructional material.

      2. Was George Washington the second President of the United States?
      A. True
      B. False*
      Commentary: You can find additional materials on this person in your text book, page 235.
    • If you want to add both a tutorial and commentary to the same question, then they must be combined on the same line as follows:

      2. Was George Washington the second President of the United States?
      A. True
      B. False*
      Tutorial: His name is also the name of the capitol of the U.S.  Commentary: You can find additional materials on this person in your text book, page 235.
  • Create Sliding Continuum (Type 10) questions as follows:

    3. George Washington was one of the greatest Presidents the United States!
    • It is assumed the continuum is 1 to 5 (Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree)
      • The descriptions can be change manually
    • The preferred answer is indicated on the next line by placing an asterisk * to the left of a number.
      • *5 or 5* on the next line both indicate that 5 is the preferred answer (Strongly Agree)

Show Questions/Answers

To get a quick list of the the questions and their answers, click the Test Answers option:

  • A page appears that lists the test title at the top.
  • Each question in the test is listed to the right of the question number.
  • Below the question is listed the correct answer to the question.
    • Correct answers for question types 7, 8, and 9 are not listed on this page.
    • Use the Test Summary to get those answers.

Display Test Setup

To get a summary of how a test is setup, click the Test Summary button:

  • A page appears that lists the setup parameters of the test at the top
  • Each question in the test is listed below with its weight, category name, and correct answer.
  • Next is listed all the sub-options for the question.
  • Below that the Tutorial and Commentary text are given.
  • Any pictures, if any imported into the database, are displayed last.

This summary listing is needed when viewing many of the reports. Student answers are numbered according to the original list displayed here and not according to the actual randomly generated test taken.

Delete Test Records

This option provides you with ways to delete large numbers of test records all at one time. Such deletions are restricted to the Test Area in which you use and all Test Areas below. It will not delete records in Test Areas above it or in other hierarchies.

  • Delete all records of this test for each student EXCEPT the HIGHEST test score:
    This option provides you with a single score (highest and most recent) for every student who took the test. For example, if a student has these scores: 99, 100, 100, and 80, this option erases the 99,  80, and the oldest of the 100s. If the student has no passing scores, then the highest of the failing scores is retained.

  • Delete all records of this test for each student EXCEPT the HIGHEST PASSING test score:
    This option provides you with the highest and most recent PASSING score for every student who took the test. For example, if a student has these scores: 99, 100, 100, and 80, this option erases the 99,  80, and the oldest of the 100s. If the student has no passing scores, then all records of the student taking the test are deleted.

  • Delete all records of this test WITHIN these DATES:
    This option lets you specify a start date, an end date, or both dates. If only the start date is given, then every record from that date onward is erased. If only the end date is given, then every record from that date backward is erased. If both dates are provided, then every record in between and including those dates is erased.

  • Delete ALL RECORDS of this test in this Test Area and below.
    This option erases all records of any student who ever took the test in this Test Area and/or any Test Areas below it, no matter how long in the past. Use it cautiously. Deleted records cannot be recovered unless you have a backup of your database.

Copy Test to Lower Levels

This option lets you quickly copy the test selected to Test Areas below yourself.

  • To access the Copy to Lower Levels option, click down arrow for "Select a Test Option" on the Question List page and select the Copy to Lower Levels option.
    • A screen will open that displays the Test Areas below you.
      • Columns indicate your level in the system beginning with Level 1 on the left.
      • Only your level and the level below yourself (if any) are initially shown.
      • Levels above yourself or not in your path are not displayed.
    • To expand down to the next level, click the down arrow.
      • To move back up, click the Back button at the bottom of the screen.
    • To see ALL levels below yourself, check the ShowAll box.
      • Uncheck the box to show only your level and the one below you.
    • To display Associate Users, check the +Associates box.
    • To Add the test you are copying to the Custom Training Menu, click the Add to Custom Menu box. Three fields will appear below:
      1. In the top field enter the name you want to appear on the Main Menu. This is a category name that describes all the tests that will appear in the menu that it opens. You can use this name with any number of tests.
      2. In the second field down, enter the name of the test that the students will see in the menu that opens when they click the name entered in #1 above. This name should be unique to this test.
        • Add $ to the end if you want to use Test Access Codes.
      3. The third field down is optional and only used to put links in the custom Training Menu that are NOT RoboTutor tests.
        • Such links might be to training materials you have uploaded or other web pages on the web.
        • Do not enter links to your RoboTutor tests here. They are generated automatically.
  • Check the boxes of other Test Areas where you want your test located.
    • This option puts a link to the test in each Test Area checked.
    • Owners of those Test Areas cannot edit or change the test, but they can create links to it and see the records of their students who take it.
  • If you are an Administrator and need to copy tests to Test Areas not displayed, but in the database, click the Up arrow in the top right corner.
    • A page will open that asks for the password. Enter it and you will be returned to this screen, but will have full access to all the Test Areas in the database.
      • If you do not know the password, contact your System Administrator.
RoboScan Overview
  • Installation
    • The installation is done through the RoboTutor application.
    • From Test Administration, click on ‘Import Tests’, and then ‘Import from Optical Mark Reader’.  This will take you to a page that will automatically begin downloading the RoboScan application, unless it has already previously been downloaded.  If there are any updates available, they will be taken care of automatically.
      • RoboScan requires that Microsoft dotNet be installed on your computer. It will begin this process automatically if it is not already installed. This will take a few minutes. After completing, it will ask you to check for updates. Say Yes and it will download Service Pack One which is required for this application..
    • Once the download is complete, click Run and the application will open.
  • Options > Settings
    • Click Options > Settings
      • Serial Port: The drop down box will test your system for all available com ports.  Please select the port that you are connected to.
        • To test this connection, exit out of settings and choose File > Connect, or click the green check button located directly under the File menu.
        • If the status bar in the bottom of the window reads, “Connection opened: please insert first card…” then you are ready to move on to scanning.  If not, make sure that the scanner has been properly connected to the computer and that the com port has been selected accordingly.
      • Device Type: Type available are displayed in a crop down menu. Currently, the only type available is Chatsworth. But the application can be programmed for other types.
      • Card Type: Types available are displayed in a drop-down menu. Currently there is only one type of card available: LP3457.
  • Scanning
    • If you are properly connected, all you have to do to scan a card is insert it into the OMR reader.  After the card has completed scanning, there are a few items to check for:
    • If there are any highlighted red fields, they signify that an error has occurred.  The error messages will be located on the right of the form.  Most likely the error will result from an improper test number, test location, or student number.
    • To update changes you make, type them into the appropriate field and click.
    • When the top fields are accepted, the application will then try to grade and record the test in the database.  If there are any errors, the fields will be highlighted red.  Most likely the error will result from an improper value in the test form.
    • Again, to save these changes, type the correct value into the field and click the Update button.
    • After all errors are corrected the Error message box should be replaced by a Success message box including the individual student result and the group average.
    • If the success message box does not show up, the error is most likely related to the database and it will be necessary to contact an administrator.
    • If you choose to erase a card from the form without saving it, you can click the Discard button and move on to the next card.

Optical Mark Reader and Cards

  • This scanner can be purchased from Chatsworth Data Corporation:
  • The scan cards can be custom ordered from Lincolnshire Printing:
    • Website: http://www.omrscan.com
    • Sales: Bill Kunath  (800-343-2406)
    • Email: bill@omrscan.com
    • Currently only the LP3457 scan form is setup for use in RoboTutor. It will handle 2 tests entries per card with 80 questions on each side.
      • It can be used for two completely different tests, taken at the same or different times.
    • For ordering cards and custom changes:
      • The following is the price to print LP-3214 scanning cards (as of 3/2008):
        • 5 thousand - $ 53.50 per thousand
        • 10 thousand - $ 42.75 per thousand
        • 25 thousand - $ 29.00 per thousand
        • 50 thousand - $ 24.00 per thousand
        • Price is FOB our plant in McHenry, IL
        • All orders subject to 10% +/- standards
      • Lead time is two weeks after receipt of purchase order or approved artwork.
      • Logo change on cards (logo in black or red): Add $ 75.00
        Add 2-3 days to lead time
      • Design new card design, 2-sides 2-color each side: Add $ 175.00
        Add 7-10 days to lead time.
      • Add up to $80 on for shipping and handling.